Stefan Harkon at gnarly Arrow skatepark in Wolverhampton. That was an amazing park; acres of splintering plywood; but great!! Travelled there once - should have gone again - b4 it shut!
Steff is still my friend. lives in st ives cornwall now and runs a pasty shop in chester. still skates with me. see pic here on my blog....
I am starting a build & set-up service for R.C. airplane kits - fixed wing only - no helicopters! I have been modelling most of my life having started in the ''launch and pray'' days of single channel radio and free flight. I fly foam these days but it still helps a lot to understand model airplanes well - and saves money & grief in the long term.. EPO foam & balsa kits built and radios installed plus full set-up service.
Steff is still my friend. lives in st ives cornwall now and runs a pasty shop in chester. still skates with me. see pic here on my blog....
likin you bike build. keep it coming